I have two speaking engagements lined up over the next two months that I’m very excited about (with a drop of stage fright). Both are on topics I am passionate about and feel need a lot more thought in the information security world: Human Interaction with Technology, and Psychological and Sociological aspects of Information Security.
The first talk I’m giving Sept. 28th is at a new technology conference in Harrisonburg, VA called Valley TechCon. My talk is titled “Driving Security Through Technology”, but as a small hint, I focus a lot on the human element of technology.
The second talk I’m giving is Oct 26th at BSidesDC Security Conference in Washington, DC. This is a great local security con focused on providing information security knowledge to all that want to learn. It’s also one of the largest of the BSides Security conferences in the world. My talk is titled “Blue Teams next tool: Social Engineering (Psychology and Sociology at Work). Again, it’s a talk that focus a lot on the human interaction side of information security.
I’ve always had a great interest in how we, as individuals and societies, interact with technology. Now I’m hoping to fan the flames of others interest in looking beyond just the technological answers to cyber security.